Monday 30 June 2008

Luton Golden Age Legend of Awsomeness!

Go go me and my inability to write.
sorry about the long wait for a new update guys! I mean ... Exams, life, you know the dealio but I'm back and hopefully some of you guys will be hitting me up from Steve Garrett's great little name drop. Thanks dude!

Me and Steve have always been mates since day one, since the game came out and he pushed it upon us all! and it's great to see him again, I've missed him being around our club!

Well the Golden Age Legend was really cool - we had a brilliant turnout of 18 people! and the games were very interesting to say the least!

Deck Ideas were amazing, With old and really new showing up!!! - The Insanity Legend Joker from Anthony aka Swampy to the Beta-Ray-Bill / Power Siphon uber combo deck from the up and coming Amy Chizlet who discusses her idea over at her blog. (The British Initiative) There was a ton of MUN trading happening pre-event due to a group before us that was using the venue taking forever to clear out.

Some pre-tournament games were happening and yet again I had the pleasure of talking to Felix Hughes about usual janky VS decks that he had been building just for the event. Old school Thunderbolts was what he was playing pre-event with another guy who's name escapes me. Gary I think...

I was upset that I didn't get to play the Captain America Deck i so desperately wanted to play but i just reverted to the Old-school Winner! Curve Sentinels. Deck list is in the previous post.

This is how it panned out...

Game 1:
Vs Jason and Darkseid Legend - lost roll - odds.
So I hit Bolivar Trask and searched for 2 Drop Mark III which had me comfortable till 4 with my Curve. I then saw a Darkseid character drop which allowed my opponent draw cards with a certain gem everyone is coming to love... one of the gems. i lowered him to a respectable 40 by turn 4 and had all the necessary means to cause the necessary beatdown on 6 except one major component (Bastion). All was working to plan. He hit 4 but had no way of making Darkseid non-unique for 5. Turn 6 hurt.... He played and flipped a Dark Throne Recruited the 6 drop played a couple Trapped in the Science-Cells and due to me missing Bastion i felt a world of pain.

Game 2:
Vs Ashan and Dual Wolverine And Jean Grey Legend. Roll won - Evens
I missed my 1-3 and took a horrible large beating. I hit my 4 drop and then missed Nimrod.. which meant i dropped a boosted 4 drop. Luckily my opponent only had 2 characters as well so I was hanging in with 9 endurance. With this I could beat back, Bastion came down and steamrolled with 3 Savage Beatdowns and my ditched hand into Longshot... 9 endurance to -21.. hmmmm Bastiony goodness!

Game 3:
Vs Bennett and Dr. Doom Legend Roll lost - Odds
I hit my curve miraculously and this threw Bennett off completely. He was still able to lock down the board via the Tibetan Monk and Bot abuse with the Press the Attacks. It was interesting to see an old school vs an old school. Bennett made a fatal error on 6. He forgot my 4 drops text and opted to attack one of them instead of steamrolling Bolivar Trask who had somehow managed to remain untouched on the board. I managed to pull Doom down with me and with nothing to now hit me with.. Bastion stood up looked around.. picked a monk tickled him a bit and then hit him for 32 in the ear. final score. 1 to -17 ... Hmmmm I'm pulling really close ones....

Game 4:
Vs Matt and Tim Drake Legend Roll lost - Odds
This game was not even funny. I managed to miss 1-5... little more to say i lost and was gutted.

Game 5:
Vs Steve and Common Enemy (Dr. Doom Legend) Roll lost - Odds
It was going fairly well and we pummeled each other on each others adjacent turns. Then yet again i miss Nimrod fail to re-drop a new 4 drop. I managed to survive the initial onslaught and was happy going into 6. I had a wadge of characters in hand. Played a resource in my row (one of the 4 reconstruction programs in hand) and then realised I had no Bastion. Re-dropped a boosted 4 drop and then took a beating from Human Torch.

So overall i went 3 for 2. I really enjoyed myself! I played in the draft so I could have a look at the cool cards etc. but could not make a deck remotely competitive (especially with the likes of Felix and martin about) so I will tell you i went 2 for 2 in that. I think I will avoid them from now on. the drafts and the players ;)

Thanks for reading what must of been an epically boring post. I write this as Big Brother is coming on, with the girlfriend next to me and 2 bricks of MUN on the otherside. But i will wait until tomorrow so we can open them together. It's something she likes to do. She likes to get involved.

Mucho Love:

I'm now a Hardcore Bullseye Fan! lookout for the next post! - My new mono Thunderbolt build! OLDSCHOOL FOOOOOL!

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