Wednesday 4 June 2008

The Blogosphere Quiz and Creativity

Our friends over at the-kamiza and lost hemisphere have created a cross blog quiz that has really stumped me. This has got me thinking about the relative creativity that all the VS players around the world have.

Those decks which have won 10k's, the players who create massive 7 card combo decks. These people have immense creativity and I, for one, hope that they carry on doing their amazing work.
But where does that put myself? I have only recently started thinking seriously about playing VS in the circuit. I have one 'original deck' to my name. Does this make me a lesser player?

I am sure, of course, that my escapades into VS will be well documented on here and you can tell for yourself. But one thing is for certain. All of us contain a degree of creativity, be it a molecule or a bustling brains worth.

Looking at it in a VS perspective, we can see those people who run around the internet looking for decks published by VS players worldwide to win hobby leagues are creative, otherwise they wouldn't of had the creativity to check the Internet. Or maybe consider the casual VS player who doesn't have all the cards he requires nor the money to purchase them, he may consult websites to see what decks he can make with the resources he has. This is creative.

Creativity is something people love to hate. I for one will always love it. Especially in VS when someone hits me with a laughing rat turn 5 death. Or when a wild sentinel hits one of my characters for 30. Stuff like this will always make our game that little bit more interesting.

So for all those people who feel their not creative. Sit, ponder, allow yourself to evaluate the cards you want so much to include. I am sure you can come up with something interesting. Much the same as those 10k winners did.

Thanks for reading.
Chris McPhee

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