Thursday 5 June 2008

Green Lantern Thursday

Much like others in the blogging world i have picked up the shotput of information and am now attempting to hurl myself into the proceedings of the more accomplished blogs. However, i hear you all cry 'how are you going to do that?'

I'll tell you all how, much like others all over the vs system network I am going to focus all my energy every Thursday to bring you new, and interesting ways of building a Green Lantern deck which will catch your opponents off guard.

GLC have always been my favourite team affilation. Mainly because i had been reading the comics much before the set came out.

Anyway, onto the GLC as a team. My favourite characters are funnily enough Kyle Rayner and Hal Jordan. Both Characters go up the curve on odds and evens and could work in a legend deck. Hal Jordan on 5 may work in X-statiqs loner something that Steve Garrett may want to consider. In his articles about the amazing team.

I have always worked with weenies. I don't really like curve that much. Theres something quite hilarious about dropping multiple characters and stunning an eight drop with some two drops.
So much that in fact people have used decks like this to win tournaments.

I made a deck much like the tournament winning GLEE deck a long time ago. I managed to find the cards and make it all up again.
The Emerald Enemies were the first deck i made from the set. The madness of Appa Ali Apsa just could not be missed out. However, it just wasn't payable enough. The games became boring and I dismantled the deck.

There was just something calling to me that this deck could be interesting to say the least. Here is what I have come up with:

2 x Arisia
4 x Doctor Light, Master of Holograms
4 x G'nort
1 x Guy Gardner, strong arm of the corps
1 x Hector Hammond
4 x Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern
1 x Major Disaster
3 x Olapet
1 x Remoni-Notra
1 x Rot Lop Fan
3 x Salakk
2 x The Shark
2 x Tomar Tu

4 x Birthing Chambers
4 x Willworld

Plot Twists
4 x Helping Hand
2 x Men of Steel
3 x No Man Escapes the Manhunters
4 x Shock Troops
4 x The Ring has Chosen
4 x Trial by Sword

2 x Light Armour

The deck is just beats. Thats all it does, and it does it really well.
The overall composition of the Emerald Enemies is like a sort of poor attempt at board control. Coupled with the winnies of the Lanterns and our old friend Dr. Light (why ban him? WHY!) we could bring characters from the KO's pile into play! brilliant.

The deck was constructed to make sure that the god damn hidden zone didn't mess it up as well with Rop Lop Fan and No Man Escapes the Manhunters taking pride of place within the deck list.

The deck won many tournaments world wide taking the 2005 $10k in Indianapolis.

People have always spoken, well within my club, about how poor the lanterns are on Curve, or how there beatdown is mediocre at best. This is primarily because they are unable of creating anything else apart from that.

Lanterns will always will have a special place in my heart. So tune in next week for Lantern - X-statiqs Loner.

Chris McPhee


Steve Garrett said...

Dr Light is banned I'm afraid mate. As for the Green Lanter / Loner deck - it's a really good idea. I used to have one quite a while ago. THere's lots of good synergy. The four-drop you KO to search for stuff, the 6 drop ION you boost. Excellent ideas though, shame about the banned Light - although I guess that doesn't matter in the club environment.

Chris McPhee said...

Thanks for the response Steve, It's great to have someone finally looking at the blog =]

Yeah i know he's banned. sucky huh? to much to give for such a little activate. Alas it was never meant to be =[

much like Valeria von Doom. sigh.

Again. Thanks =]