Tuesday 10 June 2008

Build a Legend... and MUN

Maaaaaaaan! with the release of the power set that is MUN I am getting more and more upset! If that set could just get released alittle earlier then the Build a Legend tourny I will be playing in will be so much more interesting!

I wanna make a Capt America Legend! GOD DAMN IT!

Alas there is nothing I can do about that and I am sad.
So what has the mcphantastic been up too? well for one revising for exams (A levels!) and then making decks!

So i was looking at the cards I have from back in the day and I got to work.
The first deck I made was a JLA/JLI deck.
The second was loner X-statix.
The third was a Curve Sentinel deck!

So when I was constructing these deck yesterday while I was bored of COD4 I started to think.... god damn I don't have anything remotely legal for silver age or Modern. So after toothing over my article on The negative Zone I think that I may just have to do that particular deck taking out the Annihlus and Blastaar from Web for the new 7 drop Blastaar and maybe 8 drop Annilhilus depending on whether I want to drop The Void.

I dunno, something I'll have to consider once the set has come out I suppose. Oooooo but Warbound as well.

So after that little ramble I set my sights at the Build a Legend Tournament that is quickly approaching us.
The Curve Sentinel Deck will work particularly well I hope. Exchanging the curve of characters to add 8 army characters to anyone of my drops. I suppose I will add them to the Sentinel Mark V as it doesn't really matter which one is the legend. As long as it's an army character.

So with that in mind Bastion is a must! Nimrod is always in the deck! ALWAYS! because he has to be the best 5 drop ever.... (BOLD STATEMENT) well not the best but he is god in conjunction with the deck!

7 drop.... hmmm Tri-sentinel? nah!
I always go for good old Magneto and his Genosha's! got to lave the Master of Magnetism.

With all the talk of offense I'm not really sure to put any defensive cards.. I mean i realise i will take a horrible beating turns one to three but turn 4 on odds my characters will have reinforcement! so meh! Bolivar trask will bring me my 2 drop so at the worst I will miss my 3.

I'm sorry for not posting yesterday! i was busy catching up on lost sleep.
Thanks for Reading.


Steve Garrett said...

Nice stuff Chris. Now you need to write a tournament report!

Anonymous said...

I may have to send you some Cap spares...